Thursday, March 24, 2011

Meet the stallholders...a quick cuppa with Rebecca Denton from Ursula O

We love to invite all kinds of creative people to trade at "It's darling!" and Rebecca Denton aka Ursula O is no exception. She'll be selling her erotic greetings cards in a very unusual way. Let's meet her.

Hi, tell us about you...

My name is Rebecca and I live in Bath. I studied textiles design and worked for five years swatching, designing prints and embroideries for fashion, but am currently working here in Bath for a company called COUCH. It's perfect as it is still based in fashion (although catering to a completely different market to the one I was used to) and is giving me amazing experience in running a small business. I’m hoping the knowledge I gain there will help me with my empire.

Add caption

How did you start your business?

Ursula O is a very recent creation, I sell erotic greeting cards. I cut and collage beautiful backgrounds from my treasured collection of magazine clippings and write my own suggestive, “thought provoking” poems on the front. I hope they provide a sexy but sophisticated way of inspiring your special someone.

Cheeky! What inspires you...

I think I am most inspired by the idea of having an alter-ego, I love fashion and dressing up and always like to have a project on the go which allows me to do this. Since my sea sister and DJ partner C-SHELL moved to Barcelona a few years ago, opportunities have been thin on the ground, so the invention of Ursula has been great fun.

Rebecca and C-Shell

Will you be doing anything special with your stall?

I hope to tout my wares retro street hawker style, from an usherette tray. I LOVE usherette trays.  I am STILL waiting for the one my boyfriend promised to build me with a built in lamp and tassled shade.

Look out for Rebecca selling her cards, Usherette-style

Why did you want to be part of "It's darling!"?

I came as a visitor to the "It's Darling!" last summer and was intrigued when I heard about this year’s addition of The Secret Tea Party and Pop Up Parlour.

What I love most about Spring is..........blossom, my favourite tree is a magnolia, and longer days, how do we survive the winter months?

What I need to buy most in Spring is........a picnic blanket, for some (hopefully) sun soaked evening park relaxing, watching the hot air balloons take off.

My current “darlings” are…….street artist, Bortusk Leer and my salty sister, C-shell.

To find out more about Rebecca go to  or email her at

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Meet the stallholders...a quick cuppa with Eirlys Penn aka Scrapiana

Eirlys Penn is another one of our amazing traders who’ve been with us since the beginning. She lives in Bath, sells the most beautiful vintage haberdashery and also writes a very popular blog, Scrapiana.

Hi Eirlys, tell us all about yourself.

I sell vintage haberdashery, textiles and other individually selected items, some handmade from scrap fabric by yours truly.


When and why did you start doing this?

In truth, Scrapiana was the sand-lined safety exit for my unstoppable impulse to collect old sewing items. My proper day job is writing, and I’m just beginning to combine my knowledge of vintage sewing items, my ability to make, and my writing skills - a really exciting development. I blog about my collecting, making and selling at

Where do you get your ideas/inspiration from?

I’m a probably a frustrated curator deep down, and there are a few museums which particularly inspire me. The Shaker sewing items in the American Museum (which has just re-opened for the season) are exquisite, especially the signature oval sewing box lined with unexpectedly vibrant, almost psychedelic fabric, and the collection of different sized, beautifully shaped thread bobbins. We’re also hugely lucky in Bath to have the Fashion Museum; their Behind-the-Scenes exhibition is well worth a nose round. But all hail to the mighty V&A! Last February half-term I took my sons to London for the Natural History Museum, but the monstrous queues circling right round the block persuaded even them that it wasn’t worth it, so we scooted over the road to the uncrowded V&A instead. There was ample amusement for the boys in the revolving door alone, but they actually found the exhibits themselves interesting (big surprise) and I was obviously in seventh heaven. I keep my eye on the museum’s free lunchtime talks list and their impressive array of courses.

At the moment, I have a soft spot for the early twentieth century when labels on cotton reels, darning threads, packets of pins etc tended to sport an understatedly elegant old-gold lettering; some nice examples are reproduced in this year’s V&A diary.

Have you been part of “It’s darling!” before?

Yes, I’ve been to all of them! Do I qualify for a loyalty badge? The organizers are very charming and helpful, and the traders are a really nice, friendly assortment too. And it’s wonderfully busy, otherwise I wouldn’t be there. I’m really excited that this one coincides with the Bath in Fashion festival.

What do you remember most about previous fairs?

Possibly talking to older visitors about their memories of darning. I sell old darning mushrooms (wood and Bakelite) and they evoke strong memories - not all good - of an era before the factory sock when girls were expected to mend Daddy’s holed ones. I’m all in favour of bringing back darning skills but think Daddy should really be capable of mending his own.

Are you doing anything special with your stall?

Yes, I’ll have lots of Mother’s Day goodies: special labels to sew into your textile gifts [see picture], teeny reels of ribbon and vintage ric-rac, covered buttons, old cotton reels which will slip happily into Mum’s sewing box. I also have vintage brooches, hankies and scarves, plus some Easter and general spring-time delights too, such as vintage children’s and natural history books and cross-stitch patterns featuring bunnies and birds.

Mother's Day label

Please finish this sentence: What I love most about Spring is…the Magnolia bursting into flower, and the bustling activity of nesting birds; a pair of blue-tits is nesting in an air vent just outside my office window and I keep catching sight of them bringing more material to line it. Nature is beautifully irrepressible.

Please finish this sentence too: What I need to buy most in spring is... Bird food! Those bird parents could do with our help.

What’s “It’s darling!” in your life?

I might have to say Mittens the cat [pictured with an eiderdown I’ll be selling] as your charity’s the Cats & Dogs Home. But at this time of year, the Magnolia stellata is really the star for me – a darling little pale pink Magnolia which is currently flowering in my garden. 

Mittens the cat and an eiderdown

I planted a tiny white Magnolia stellata in our London garden 16 years ago when my eldest was born. The lovely thing about these little trees is that they flower when still very small indeed, so are great value for money. When we moved (just after our second son was born, five years later) we uprooted the poor little tree and took it with us, so it became his birth tree too. Our new home was only round the corner, so we trundled the treasured specimen there in a wheelbarrow! – along with the well-rotted contents of the compost heap, which the new owners didn’t want. That was February, and the Magnolia still managed to flower that year. Sadly, it would have been utterly impractical to do another uprooting three years later when we moved to Bath, so we reluctantly left the little tree behind. I hope it’s putting on a good spring show still.

Magnolia stellata

For more details about Eirlys and her work go to, email or telephone  07769 655073

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Meet the stallholders....a quick cuppa with Rebecca Collett from Rose Cottage Boxes

Becky from Bath runs Rose Cottage Boxes and has been trading with us since the first fair.

Rose Cottage Boxes

 Hi Becky, tell everyone about what you do

I make sustainable wooden 'useful' boxes covered in stunningly beautiful patterned tissue papers, skillfully applied by hand using a 17th century french decoupage tecnique. Each box is painted with complimentary colours inside and covered in a deep, glossy varnish.  There are 6 different sizes to house things such as sewing kits, crafts, jewellery, make up, stationary, medical kits etc. They are also wonderful for keepsakes, memories, letters and photos for weddings, births and birthdays!

Useful as a sewing box

When and why did you start doing this?

I am a mother of two young boys. They inspired me in so many ways. Teaching them creativity spurred me to keep following my own dreams.

Rose Cottage Chair

Where do you get your ideas/inspiration from?

My ideas and inspiration are quite intuitive, following a gut feeling as well as being realistic and practical with what I sell. I enjoy mixing it up and taking parts from all our past eras. I love anything unique and different.

Take your pick

 Are you doing anything special with your stall?

I will have some lovely new spring/summer designs and some older stock will be in a worthwhile sale.

Covered drawers

 Please finish this sentence: What I love most about Spring is…the sunshine of course because it makes everyone happier!!

What I need to buy most in Spring is...some Pledge and a duster to start the cleaning...

What’s darling! in your life?

My wonderful sons, Solomon and Atticus and my house rabbits, Luigi and Loopy Lou

Butterflies make anyone happy

Or call  07885564969

Monday, March 21, 2011

Meet the stallholders...a quick cuppa with Bath Cats and Dogs Home

We like to use our fairs to give something back by supporting local charities. For this year's Spring Fair, we are donating a free table to Bath Cats and Dogs Home, enabling them to sell lots of lovely vintage items and giftsets and to collect contributions from customers. They are also bringing along a facepainter, who will be working downstairs in The Secret Tea Party tearoom in return for donations.

Help kitties like this one

Please introduce yourselves.

We are Bath Cats & Dogs Home – Claverton Down Bath & Frome Charity Street (Stoney Street, Frome). We sell ‘happiness & a bargain!” Anything & everything. The Frome Charity Shop supports the vital work of Bath Cats & Dogs Home and donated items are sold to raise funds for the Home. We sell whatever we receive! Our inspiration comes from the knowledge that every £1 raised goes directly to helping the lives of the 1000’s of animals that come through our doors every year. “It’s Darling!” has very kindly chosen to support Bath Cats & Dogs Home with their Spring Fair.

What will you be doing at the fair?

We'll be promoting the Home's upcoming events & giving general information about what we do. We will also have a selection of the finest items from our Frome Charity Shop and our Facepainter will be working in the tearoom for donations.

Please finish this sentence: What we love most about Spring is…watching our dogs, cats & small animals enjoying the warmer and sunnier days!

What we need to buy most in Spring is... plants & flowers to enrich our paddocks for the animals enjoyment!

What’s darling! in your life?

“It’s darling" when our very deserving and loving animals find their perfect forever home.

For more information about BCDH visit their website, their Facebook page or email

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Meet the stallholders...a quick cuppa with Amy Evans from Blanche and Lola

Amy first exhibited with us at our Christmas 2010 fair, bringing her lovely handmade jewellery with a vintage twist all the way from Winchester in Hampshire.

Gorgeous Amy from Blanche and Lola

Hi Amy, tell us about your business.

It's called Blanche & Lola. I hand-make one-of-a-kind or limited edition pieces of vintage jewellery and hair accessories, created from genuine original vintage treasures. I have been making jewellery as a hobby for about 10 years now, but the idea for Blanche & Lola came about two years ago when I rediscovered a box of my grandma’s old jewellery and realised how beautiful and wearable it would look if it was restored and given a modern twist. I still work full-time for the civil service at the moment but I hope that one day soon Blanche & Lola can be my full-time job - I absolutely love what I do and it makes me so happy to see people wearing something that I created.

Vintage key necklace
We hope your dream comes true.  What inspires you?

I am mainly inspired by all the gorgeous vintage treasures I find, such as decadent vintage brooches, gorgeous charms, pretty old keys and sparkling pre-loved beads and gemstones. I love seeing my finds given a new lease of life in a completely new and beautiful creation. I am also really inspired by nature and anything cute, whimsical and wonderful….there are a lot of birds and bambis in my collections!

A bambi necklace

Describe your last "It's darling!" fair.

I exhibited at the Christmas “It’s Darling” fair and was absolutely delighted when Becky & Cath announced their dates for 2011. It is a truly fabulous event, featuring some super-talented artisans and fabulous vintage sellers, all with a great ethos of originality and individuality. The event is really well organised and is guaranteed to be a great experience for shoppers and stallholders alike.

Look for the Blanche and Lola stall

Thank you Amy! What do you like most about the fair?

Probably being able to meet so many lovely other stallholders, many of whom I have kept in touch with since and I am looking forward to seeing again at the 2011 events. The atmosphere isn’t competitive, just really supportive and inspiring.

Birdcage necklace

Are you doing anything special with your stall?

I am going to be making lots of my limited edition miniature teacup rings. I only ever make 6 of each design and they’ve been my biggest seller so far! Priced at just £5 each they are a steal too! I’ve also been working on a new range of vintage pocket watch necklaces; they are one-of-a-kind and aren’t on my website yet so will be an exclusive!

Limited edition teacup rings only £5 each

Please finish this sentence: What I love most about Spring is...

The longer days and lighter evenings, sunshine, alfresco lunches, rose wine, daffodils and bluebells and of course, that lovely feeling that summer is just around the corner….

Pocket Watch necklace

And what I need to buy most in Spring is...pretty floral dresses and some fabulous vintage sunglasses.

Finally, what's darling in your life?
My other half Jamie and our darling cats, Lily and Lola!

Lily and Lola - too cute!

For more information about Amy and Blanche and Lola, please go to, email and/or join her Facebook page.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Meet the stallholders....a quick cuppa with Vicky from Vicky Loves Vintage

Vicky Weir is one of our new traders this Spring and she lives in Kineton, Warwickshire. Her business is called Vicky Loves Vintage. Come and meet her.

Hi, tell us what you do.

I sell cushions, bags, purses and homewares created from vintage fabric alongside fabulous vintage treasures which I find on my travels. Eclectic range of ages, but I adore 1950’s glassware and Midwinter pottery.

A Vicky Loves Vintage special

 When and why did you start doing this?

My first fair was Spring last year, I was inspired by the fact that my vintage obsession was spiralling out of control and the house could take no more! If I was going to continue snapping up vintage treasures everywhere I went I was going to need another outlet hence Vicky Loves Vintage was born. I’m not full-time at the moment (although if I did all those jobs that are pending I’m sure I would be!) When I’m not vintaging, I’m mum to my three children.

Where do you get your ideas/inspiration from?

My inspiration comes from the fabric I find. Often I discover a piece of fabric and buy it without any idea what I’m going to do with it. Out of the blue an idea will come to me about how to use it and we’re away! In terms of my vintage treasures at the moment it is 50’s glassware that I am finding irresistible. The colours are amazing and they fit in to any interior.

Cushion made from vintage fabric

 How did you hear about our fair?

I initially heard about “It’s darling!” via the internet. I’m always looking for new shows and events to be part of and this seemed like a great one to be part of. The next part of the story is slightly embarrassing (or could have been). I was reminded about the event at a vintage fair in the Cotswolds where I was showing. During a quiet moment I wandered over to another stall for a bit of a mooch and spied the “It’s Darling…” flyer. Picking it up I exclaimed at the top of my voice “Ooh I’ve heard of this is it any good?” to which the stallholder replied…”I hope so I’m the organizer!! It turned out that Becky was moonlighting and showing her own fabulous creations! It was fate and I quickly got in touch asking if there would be an opportunity to get involved this year. Thank goodness I wasn’t rude.

Are you doing anything special with your stall?

I spend a lot of time thinking about the way the stall will look. I normally work in colour themes grouping the stock together to create a cohesive look. The centerpiece for “It’s darling!” is going to be an amazing 50’s pitcher and tumbler set (complete and looking like new) to which I will add other items which complement it.

Vicky has some gorgeous creations

 What I love most about Spring is...the sunshine, just a glimmer of sunlight lifts my spirits and makes me happy to be alive!

What I need to buy most in Spring is...Some fabulous accessories for my new kitchen/diner.

For more info about Vicky please go to or email:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Meet the stallholders....a quick cuppa with Abby from Bubs Bears

Welcome to the "It's darling!" Fair, tell us a bit about yourself and what you do.

Hello, I’m Abby and I live in the heart of the Somerset Levels near the ancient town of Langport. 


My business is called Bubs Bears and I make handmade teddy bears and bunnies from a range of vintage, recycled, and new fabrics. It started off though back in 2005 when I wanted to make my youngest daughter a 1st birthday present which she could treasure. She’d had a lot of beautiful clothes as a baby, and I came up with the idea of using them to create a patchwork bear. The idea for Bubs Bears was born, but it was only last year that I started selling them online. Since then I have made nearly 250 bears, including many keepsake bears made from customers precious baby clothes, christening outfits and even wedding dresses. 

A Bubs Bear

As well as bears and bunnies, on my stall you will find handmade bags, lavender hearts, cards, buttons, tea-towels, hot water bottle covers…many of which have been made to use up scraps of leftover fabrics…I do hate to waste any! 

Beautiful buttons

Busy lady! Where do you get your ideas/inspiration from?

When it comes to making the keepsake bears, the inspiration of course comes from the clothing itself, and I try to incorporate as many of the little decorations and details as I can. The other bears and bunnies I make are all made from the same pattern, but I love to source different fabrics to see how well they work (or not sometimes!) Knitted jumpers and woolen tweeds make gorgeous bears, as do floaty floral cottons and linens. I love to use vintage fabrics, many of which I get from the lovely Donna Flower. I’ve worked with some beautiful fabrics from the 40s and 50s, including the pretty feedsack fabrics, so I’d have to say they are probably my favourite.

What I love most about Spring is...

…the light. I am lucky enough to have a huge bay window in my sewing room and the light pouring in never fails to inspire me to create.

Abby is a sewing addict

 Why did you want to be part of “It’s darling!”?

I first came across “It’s Darling!” via Facebook, but was unable to make it to the fairs last year. I looked in envy at the photographs and knew I just had to be a part of it this time!!

Perfect Presents

Are you doing anything special with your stall? 

All the bunnies, and some of the bears on my stall will be helping to raise money for charity (St.Margarets Somerset Hospice and The British Heart Foundation) with a percentage of their price going to charity. The fabrics they are made with were kindly donated by Donna Flower and Raystitch.

Buy a bunny for charity

What I need to buy most in Spring is...

…lavender plants so I can harvest it for my lavender hearts. I intend to have a border of it which will run along the whole front of my house. It will be lovely to sit with my sewing room window open and smell the lavender wafting in!

What’s darling in your life?

They are called Erin and Libby, my best ever creations… 

Abby's darlings

For further info go to or email

Monday, March 14, 2011

Meet the stallholders....a quick cuppa with Faith Barber from Something Fabulous by Faith

Faith Barber has traded with us since the very first fair last July so we are very fond of her, especially as she lives and works in North London so has to travel a fair distance to us. Her company is called Something Fabulous by Faith.

Faith and her darling husband

 Hi Faith, please let everyone know what you do and what you've been up to

I design and make unique & limited edition luxury clothes and accessories made from gorgeous fabrics and in a rainbow of beautiful colours. Everything from simple zip purses and elegant handbags to elaborate corsages and gorgeous cover-ups. I am a freelance designer creating bespoke bridal & eveningwear and I found that lots of people liked my accessories but didn’t necessarily want to commission them, hence ‘Something Fabulous by Faith’, what you might call the ready-to-wear and made-to-order side of my business. I also design and make theatre costumes and I am the wardrobe mistress for Ballet Black ( Dressing in a way that looks and feels right and enables the wearer to feel confident whatever the context works both on and off the stage, so I find everything that I do fits together perfectly.

Faith's beautiful purses

 Where do you get your ideas/inspiration from?

My inspiration varies although I am always drawn to beautiful things from any era. I am often drawn to the beauty of nature as well of design so in my creations you may notice elements from the pleating & draping on C18th gowns or maybe the suggestion of the petals of a flower.


 What's been your experience of "It's Darling!"?

I have been at both of the previous fairs and I enjoyed them so much, received lots of good feedback and met so many great people, that I can’t wait to be there again. I also love Bath so any excuse to visit is fine by me!

Are you doing anything special with your stall?

I have some new bits and pieces for the Spring including some sculptural silk hairclips in variety of colours as well as some soft poppy inspired corsages which can also be worn in the hair; and, as always, plenty of things to add a touch of colour to any outfit.

One of Faith's new sculptural hairclips

What I love most about Spring is...that feeling of resurgence, hope and vitality that comes with the lengthening days, buds pushing open and evidence of life where previously there seemed to be none. There’s nothing like a bit of spring sunshine and blossom to make me smile even on a hard day. It’s the magic of possibility.

What I need to buy most in Spring is....a length of light bright fabric to make a new cheerful dress.

For more about Faith go to or follow her on Twitter: @faithbarber
Her online shop is coming very soon!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Meet the stallholders...a quick cuppa with Liz Fennings from Elsie Belle Jewellery

Liz Fennings from Bristol is the owner of Elsie Belle Jewellery and is trading with us for the first time this Spring. Let's find out all about her...

Liz (on the right)

Like the name of your business, Liz.

Elsie Belle Jewellery is named after my paternal grandmother! I concentrate on vintage and vintage-inspired designs featuring charms, trinkets and treasures galore! Established in 2004, it all started as a hobby but after launching the web store I received a few wholesale enquiries and it just snowballed from there to quickly became my full time job. We now have a small team working in our Bristol studio and stockists all over the world.

One of Elsie Belle's gorgeous designs

Where do you get your ideas/inspiration from? 

My inspiration comes from everywhere including fashion and vintage trends, books, music and films.  I especially love animals and nature and so flora and fauna are always reoccurring themes at Elsie Belle’s.

Flora and fauna are a recurring theme in her work

Why did you want to be part of “It’s darling!”? 

I met one of the organisers, Rebecca (Purple Sparkle Crafts) at the Vintage Fair in Bristol and we got chatting – I had heard of the "It’s Darling!" Bath Fair before and I was delighted to be able to get involved.

Are you doing anything special with your stall? 

We will be discounting all the jewellery - this will include a large number of pieces from the current collection and lots of extra special one off items!

Elsie Belle earrings

Please finish this sentence: What I love most about Spring is...

Daffodils, lambs, longer days and the promise of summer just around the corner!

Cream Rose Garden necklace

Please finish this sentence too: What I need to buy most in Spring is...

Vintage deck chairs and pretty plants for the garden!  I love getting it all ready for the summer and I am planning a Royal Wedding Garden Party so I need to get it looking spic-and-span.

What’s darling in your life? 

My little kitten Ethel!  She is just the cutest!

Melts our hearts!

For more info go to or email

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